Part 2: Stationery Tools and Accessories to design your Planner

Part 2: Stationery Tools and Accessories to design your Planner

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  1. Color paper: Using colorful paper is a great way to add some texture and depth to your planner. Look for patterned or solid color paper that matches your theme or color scheme. You can use paper to create custom headers or dividers, or to add some color and visual interest to your pages.
  1. Colored pens: Colored pens are a great way to add some visual interest to your planner. Look for pens in a variety of colors and styles, such as gel pens, felt-tip pens, or brush pens. Use different colors to categorize tasks or events, or to create custom headers or dividers.
  1. Sticky notes: Sticky notes are a handy tool for jotting down quick notes or reminders. You can use them to create custom headers or dividers, or to highlight important tasks or events. Look for sticky notes in a variety of colors and styles to match your theme or color scheme.
  1. Ribbon: Ribbon is a versatile and stylish accessory for your planner. Look for ribbon in a variety of colors and textures, such as satin, grosgrain, or lace. Use it to create custom headers or dividers, or to add some texture and visual interest to your pages.


If you guys have tried any of our ideas don’t forget to post and tag us on our Facebook @Fauzul Enterprise Or on our Instagram @fauzul_enterprise or on our Youtube Fauzul Enterprise.