Launch of New Website Version 3
Website Development and Online Experience

Launch of New Website Version 3

After 2 years of hard work and dedication from the entire team, our company is thrilled to announce the launch of our new website version 3. This significant upgrade represents the largest change t...
Enhancements to User Experience
Website Development and Online Experience

Enhancements to User Experience

At our company, we understand the importance of a user-friendly website, which is why we are thrilled to launch our new website version 3 with a fresh and modern design. Our main focus was to impro...
The Journey of Our Website from 2010 to Present
Website Development and Online Experience

The Journey of Our Website from 2010 to Present

When our website first launched in 2010, it was a basic design with limited features. At the time, it was simply a way for us to establish an online presence and provide basic information to our cu...
Building An Online Business
Website Development and Online Experience

Building An Online Business

We recognized the potential of online business and its ability to expand our market reach, so we decided to focus on building our online presence. We understood that building an online business tak...
GST implemented but only half a day to do the process for all the items
Website Development and Online Experience

GST implemented but only half a day to do the process for all the items

During the release of the 2015 budget, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak made a noteworthy announcement on April 1st, 2015: a rise in the Goods and Services Tax (GST) rate from 0% to 6%. This crucial ...